
The HARAMBE airdrop distributed 100,000,000,000 tokens among wallets on the whitelist—comprising EVM-compatible wallets holding at least $1 USD combined value in any combination of TRUMP, TOSHI, or MOG tokens.

The snapshot of token holders and combined value was taken on 2024-03-09.

To ensure a fair distribution that recognizes both small and large holders without disproportionately favoring either, we employed a ‘smoothing’ algorithm based on the logarithmic scale of wallet values.

Allocation Process:

  1. Calculation of Wallet Values: Each wallet in the master list of all token holders was assigned a USD value based on the following, where qty is the token quantity and $ indicates the USD value at the time of snapshot:

    $$ \text{Wallet Value} = (\text{TRUMP}{\text{qty}} \times \text{TRUMP}{\$}) + (\text{TOSHI}{\text{qty}} \times \text{TOSHI}{\$}) + (\text{MOG}{\text{qty}} \times \text{MOG}{\$}) $$

  2. Normalization of Wallet Values: The list was adjusted to ensure eligibility above the $1 threshold. Then, the list of eligible wallets was then transformed logarithmically to reduce the disparity between high and low values. The adjusted formula for each wallet is as follows:

    $$ \text{Normalized Value} = \ln(\max(\text{Wallet Value}, 1) + 1) $$

    Here, $ln$ denotes the natural logarithm, ensuring that we smooth the allocation curve. $(max(Wallet Value,1)$ guarantees that every wallet meets the minimum participation threshold.

  3. Calculation of Total Normalized Value: We sum all individual normalized values to determine the total normalized value, serving as the basis for calculating each wallet's share of the airdrop:

    $$ \text{Total Normalized Value} = \sum_{\text{all wallets}} \text{Normalized Value} $$

  4. Proportional Airdrop Allocation: Each wallet's share of the airdrop is determined by its proportion of the total normalized value, calculated as follows:

    $$ \text{Allocation} = \left( \frac{\text{Wallet Normalized Value}}{\text{Total Normalized Value}} \right) \times 100,000,000,000 $$

    This ensures each wallet receives tokens in proportion to its value, adjusted by our smoothing algorithm.

  5. Final Adjustments: The allocation is reviewed to ensure the total does not exceed 100,000,000,000 tokens, with any necessary adjustments made to align with the total airdrop amount.